Clear aligners are a popular alternative to metal braces for straightening teeth. They are invisible, comfortable, and removable, making them a good choice for adults and teenagers alike.

dentist doing clear aligners of patient

What are clear aligners?

Clear aligners are a series of thin, plastic trays that are custom-made to fit your teeth. Clear aligners apply a subtle force to move your teeth slowly and gradually. You will typically wear a new set of aligners for two weeks before moving on to the next set.

Benefits of clear aligners

Clear aligners offer a number of benefits over metal braces, including:

Invisibility: Clear aligners are virtually invisible, so you can straighten your teeth without anyone even knowing you're undergoing orthodontic treatment.

Comfort: Clear aligners are made of smooth, flexible plastic, so they are more comfortable to wear than metal braces.

Removable: Clear aligners can be removed for eating, drinking, and brushing your teeth. This makes it easier to maintain oral hygiene and enjoy your favorite foods.

Fewer office visits: Clear aligner treatment typically requires fewer office visits than traditional orthodontics.

Types of clear aligners available in India

There are a number of different brands of clear aligners available in India, including:


32 Watts Clear Aligners

Bloom Aligners

Snazzy Clear Aligners

Dentcare Aligners



Apollo Aligners

Cost of clear aligners in India

The cost of clear aligners in India varies depending on the brand of aligner you choose, the complexity of your case, and the location of your orthodontist. However, clear aligners are generally more affordable than traditional metal braces in India.

How to choose a clear aligner provider in India

When choosing a clear aligner provider in India, it is important to consider the following factors:

Experience: Choose a provider with experience in treating patients with clear aligners.

Technology: Ask about the technology that the provider uses to create clear aligners. Some providers use more advanced technology than others, which can result in a better fit and better results.

Price: Compare the prices of different providers before making a decision.

Steps involved in clear aligner treatment

The steps involved in clear aligner treatment are as follows:

Consultation: You will have a consultation with your orthodontist to discuss your goals for treatment and to determine if clear aligners are right for you.

Impressions: Your orthodontist will take impressions of your teeth to create a digital model of your mouth.

Treatment plan: Your orthodontist will develop a treatment plan that outlines the specific movements that need to be made to straighten your teeth.

Aligners: Your orthodontist will order a series of custom-made aligners based on your treatment plan.

Treatment: You will wear a new set of aligners for two weeks before moving on to the next set. You will typically need to see your orthodontist every six to eight weeks to monitor your progress.

Retention: Once your teeth have been straightened, you will need to wear a retainer to maintain your results.


Clear aligners are a popular and effective way to straighten teeth. They offer a number of benefits over metal braces, including invisibility, comfort, removability, and fewer office visits. If you are considering clear aligners, be sure to do your research and choose a qualified provider.